Thursday, January 1, 2015

It came in like a wrecking ball!

We brought in the New Year with an actual midnight kiss this year. It might be the first time we made it to midnight together. We had the BEST anniversary celebration since we got married. Maybe that sounds sad...but, we've had a ton of stuff going on over the past 5 anniversaries that kept us from having a super exciting time. In fact, it dawned on me that we've never had an anniversary without kids. We got married in December 2008, then had Gage in December of 2009, a couple of weeks before our anniversary.

We went to Cru (Wine Bar in Allen) to have dinner and a delicious bottle of wine. We aren't big wine drinkers. Well, Curtis isn't. I only have a glass of wine or a single drink on occasion since alcohol and teaching 50 billion classes at the gym every week aren't a great combo. Anyway, we actually had our wedding dinner at Cru in Plano, so it was totally awesome to go back to celebrate last night. It was a spur of the moment idea. Thankfully they had room for us, sans reservation. Shout out to Cru in Allen for being totally awesome and helping us celebrate last night!

I have joined a couple of accountability groups to improve my spiritual fitness. First of all, Beth Moore's Scripture Memory Team 2015! Join us there if you're interested!! Also, Michelle Myers over at She Works His Way is doing a yearly Bible reading plan you can join and follow along with. Today is John chapter 1. Just a chapter. That's all.

My first scripture to memorize (we will be doing 24 verses of our own choosing) is Galations 6:9 "Do not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." & I have not actually done my January 1 bible reading yet, but there is time!

If you have known me only over the past couple of years, this may seem slightly different than you have known of me. It's really easy to say you're a believer and attribute good things to the Lord and ask for His direction occasionally through prayer. I had a serious discussion with myself as I turned 30 last month and I can openly admit that my walk with Jesus has been on the back burner for far too long. I will share in another separate post about that since I feel like it deserves its own.

Basically, this is a new year for all of us. I just turned 30, so I feel even more inclined to live my life more intentionally. Let's make it count!

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