Well, the birth of this blog. I have been needing a place to chart and document my first pregnancy. I am almost 6 months along now. We are having a precious baby boy due December 5th. Mommy is hoping he isn't late! We have a lot of things going on in December. My birthday, Christmas, our Anniversary.
I love thinking back over our life together so far. What's so exciting,really, is that we haven't had that much time together. And there is so much life left to live, Lord willing.
Curtis and I were introduced in November of 2007, right before Thanksgiving. He was perfectly sweet and appropriately slow in asking me for a first date. By the time he and I met for the first time, we had talked every day for two weeks and I couldn't wait to finally meet the guy. Let me assure you, my husband is extremely charming. Anyone and everyone who talks to him likes him. Even our son, in utero, responds to him when he talks to my belly.
We had our first date, and according to him, we are still on it. We spent a lot of time together right after we met because he broke his leg at work, and I took care of him when I wasn't at work. It brought us together in a way that not many things in life can, especially so early in a relationship. We have no doubt that God used that broken bone (well both the tibia and fibula) to teach us a few things along the way. We fell in love somewhere along the way.
Curtis proposed almost a year after our first date on Thanksgiving of 2008 and we got married New Years Eve that same year. We nearly killed eachother the first month we were married, but getting adjusted takes time. We were soon praying about starting our family, and our little blessing was conceived shortly after. People may wait a long time to start a family, but not us. We wanted to get started and go from here.
And, here we are. The first few months of this pregnancy were hard on us. I didn't have morning sickness, thank the Lord. But, I was emotionally a wreck. I have always been pretty in touch with how I feel. I don't bottle things up, I wear my heart on my sleeve.
When you're pregnant and the hormones and the emotions are already crazy, it's a little overwhelming. Curtis was mostly a saint when my head spun around like Linda Blair in The Exorcist. I broke things. I'll make a list of those things in another posting. :) But, we moved into our two bedroom apartment and have settled in here, and things are about a million percent better.
More to come. So much more to come.