Saturday, July 30, 2011

WTH Happened to July?

Well, the last time I posted, I was about to start a new job. And, I think I even promised to update you after the first week. So, I'm either a liar, or really busy. Let's go with busy since I pride myself on my honesty.
So, I've been at this new job for about 5 weeks. It's 100 times better than the last job. And, the fact they they're paying me more is a definite factor. Gage has still been going to Miss Chris, and my sister in law's houses during the week. I miss him a lot, of course. Curtis is working hard, and July is always a slow month for us, and that's probably a blessing since it's been 100 degrees every damn day this month.
However, we are in a transition because Gage is going to start full time daycare at FBC Plano on August 15th (that is, once I get his paperwork turned in...). I'm a little sad about him being officially in "school" every day. But, I know it's a great opportunity for him to play with friends his age, learn stuff, do stuff, have a set routine. And, they're like 90 seconds from our house. Can't even hate on that! I sorta skipped Gage's 19 month letter, so I will combine the letter for months 19 & 20 next weekend.You can get a full update on his antics then...
So, I don't hate my job, business could be a little better - but we're continuously trusting the Lord for new customers - it's really hot all the time right now, and Gage is getting so big it's seriously making me want another baby. But, that will be next year, Lord willing. I want the baby, don't really want to go through being pregnant. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the pregnancy with Gage. But, I hate being tired and moody all the time. (this is where Curtis would comment that I'm moody and tired all the time now) I don't think I can chase a toddler and be pregnant and work full time and not lose my mind right now.
Well, we have a couple friends coming over tonight, and I have to clean up around here...story of my life. Cleaning.