Whew!!!!! I am fighting off something....germs...allergies (in December, why not?) and have very little voice left. Curtis loves those days - I HAVE to talk less because my voice is tired. But, today we are celebrating the upcoming new year just like everyone else. Additionally, we celebrate SIX years of marriage today.
Six years, five addresses, four dogs (just one with us now), three and a half years of Everything Garage Doors running full time on it's own, two kids, and one rollercoaster ride I wouldn't have wanted to ride with anyone else. I could have had a MUCH more boring life, but life as an Avary has been full of passion. The good kind and the bad kind. :)
We have a five year old and a 2 1/2 year old, I just turned 30, we are both running our own businesses and living our dream of making our own schedule. We have learned to continually trust the Lord for our provision and He has really blessed us both this year with a growing business and healthy kids. Let me just tell you, I don't do fitness for the money. Everything Garage Doors does the bill paying, and my sweat pays for other stuff.
I launched my Texas Fit Chicks boot camp this past July, and it's been such a fun time working with these ladies. I've watched them transform their bodies and put themselves first (5am Boot Camp is NOT for the faint of heart!) and become more awesome chicks! I am looking forward to expanding that business in 2015. Email me for the details if you're interested Jodie@texasfitchicks.com.
Our big boy started Pre-K this past August. As I predicted, he loves school! He gets in a little trouble here and there, but he enjoys learning and I love seeing him thrive. I know he will be ready for Kindergarten next fall....but, of course, we're not speaking of that right now. ACK! Really, he is starting school. I am not ready for that.
Cade is not a baby anymore. He talks (back) and uses the big boy potty and has transitioned into a big boy bed. He is SO different from Gage, yet still so much alike. Not having grown up around siblings, it's such an interesting experience seeing the relationship they have. Oh, and letting them wrestle without worrying too much - that's a challenge!
I could go a lot more in depth about 2014, but I'll wrap up this post for now. Be sure to go check out my Fitness blog Pursuing Fitness!