Look one of my very best friends asked me this week if I had any New Year's resolutions and while my Auto Reply text options included "let me check", I decided to go ahead and list five things then I added a couple more because you know, why not?
I will give you the details to those later but the final add-on was that I wanted to write more on my blog. I started out strong almost 10 years ago - especially when I was a brand-new mom and had a lot to think about and get off my chest and process. Then life gets in the way and then I get excited about something and I want to write about it and then life gets in the way and then I did the Whole30 and I started a little side blog about that and then fell off The Whole30 wagon and stopped writing recipes because who wants to read a recipe blog that doesn't include baked goods? Not me.
And of course it seems that my last post was in 2017 so it's almost like 2018 never happened? Except so much did happen this year and I have accomplished some things and let go of some things and marched right into my mid-30s like a boss.
Maybe I'll do a weekly post ..but no promises. I don't thrive on schedule and routine nearly as much as "ooh I need to tell y'all about this right now!!" kinda writing.
And because I said I would, here were my resolutions:
1. Stop cussing
2. More bible (prob will help with #1)
3. Less sugar
4. Spend less
5. No eating out for dinners unless special occasion and planned (I.e. better consistent meal planning each week)
The first add on was regarding getting newborn baby snuggles and supporting my friend in her maiden voyage into motherhood (that baby is due in February) and then blog more was my second add on .
I won't lie, technology with a better phone and voice to text is a huge help in getting me to write more. I can write/post from my phone easily - what a time to be alive!
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